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Allegroitalia has the best PPESafety

Staying in Allegroitalia hotels is SAFE.

All Allegroitalia facilities adopt preventive measures to ensure the protection of guests and staff and have the best PPE (Personale Protection Equipment) at their disposal.


Thermoscanners, instruments for measuring the body temperature of employees and customers in real time.


Ionizers, special ozone dispensers that guarantee thorough cleaning of rooms and common areas.


The staff is also equipped with protective suits and FFP2 masks that offer excellent protection from dust and viruses.


Allegroitalia has acquired expertise in emergency management and the use of these tools by welcoming guests in quarantine in the 5-star luxury hotel Allegroitalia Torino Golden Palace and the 5-star Pisa Tower Plaza. Zero risk and safety guaranteed.


Allegroitalia loves you… and wants you to be well!